Set Excel Print Page Margins Using Java
This article will share how to set Excel page margins before printing the Excel worksheets by using Free Spire.XLS for Java. With this 3rd party free API, we could set top margin, bottom margin, left margin, right margin, header margin, and footer margin.
Installation (2 Method)
1# Download the free API and unzip it, then add the Spire.Xls.jar file to your project as dependency.
2# You can also add the jar dependency to maven project by adding the following configurations to the pom.xml.
Sample Code
import com.spire.xls.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class AddBorders {
public static void main(String[] args){
//Create a workbook instance
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
//Load the Excel file
//Get the first worksheet
Worksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
//Get the cell range that you want to apply border style
CellRange cr = sheet.getCellRange(sheet.getFirstRow(), sheet.getFirstColumn(), sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn());
//Apply border style
//Save the resultant file
workbook.saveToFile("SetBorder.xlsx", ExcelVersion.Version2010);